The question of what is a Pagan lifestyle, or Pagan culture, came up in a FB group recently. This is my short answer:
Modern Paganism (Neopaganism) is a counter culture inspired by mythology, folklore, and what we know of ancient Pagans. Pagans are a combination of many different religions and spiritual paths. The culture is made up of these shared beliefs/practices:
Respect for Nature
Pagans spend time in nature, often gathering at outdoor festivals. They care about the Earth and try to be environmentally responsible.
Trade and Barter
Pagans generally believe in a version of the energetic law of equivalent exchange. They are happy to trade goods or services with each other, not always requiring money.
Nudity is Natural
Nudity is not considered sexual in Pagan culture. It is considered freeing to be nude and healthy to see different shapes and sizes of bodies in a non sexual setting. Many groups, events, and venues allow amounts of nudity.
Altered States
Pagans tend to be more tolerant of substance use, believing that the altered perspectives substances cause teach us lessons and help us grow as people. Altered states can also be achieved with meditation or BDSM. Many Pagans support harm reduction efforts and teach consent.
As mentioned, Pagans follow a variety of different religions or spiritual paths. Pagans culture is open minded and accepting of strange experiences and beliefs as long as nobody is getting hurt.
And it harm none, do what you will.
-post by Katarina Elaine 2024